047 | Job Hunt Overwhelm - 5 steps for creating a jobhunt strategy to eliminate stress and overwhelm

Let's face it, when it comes to job hunting there's a lot to do! From updating your resume to searching job boards, applying to new jobs, reading about companies on Glassdoor, preparing for phone interviews, preparing for onsite interviews...the list goes on and on.


With everything else already on your to-do list, it's easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out when you're looking to change jobs. But don't worry, there's a solution! Creating a strategy so that you go into the job hunt with a plan of action is HUGE for eliminating job hunting overwhelm.

In today's episode I share with you 5 key tips on building out your own job hunt strategy. Plus, a little bonus tip, if you listen until the end! (Shh you didn't hear it from me)

After listening you will know how to stay focused in your job hunt so that you're spending your time on the jobs that are the right fit, dropping all unnecessary work and overwhelm with it!

Photo by STIL